Regulations Listapad 2025


of the ХХХ Minsk International Film Festival «Listapad»


1.1.  The XXX Minsk International Film Festival “Listapad” (hereinafter referred to as the film festival) runs from November 1 to November 8, 2024.

The functions of the directorate of the film festival are performed by the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Film Studio “Belarusfilm”.


2.1.  The film festival program includes:

- opening and closing ceremony;

- Main Fiction Films Competition;

- Main Non-Fiction Films Competition;

- Main Animation Films Competition;

- Children and Youth Films Competition “Listapadzik”;

- Youth Films Competition “Cinema of the Young”;

- National Film School Competition;

- National Competition;

- non-competitive events, including: non-competitive shows, creative meetings, master classes, concerts, exhibitions and other cultural events;

- screenings of films from the film festival and holding creative meetings with festival participants in the regions of the Republic of Belarus.

2.2.  The program may also include other cultural, educational and business events.


3.1.  The competition program includes:

- Main Fiction Films Competition;

- Main Non-Fiction Films Competition;

- Animation Films Competition;

- Children and Youth Films Competition “Listapadzik”.

- Youth Films Competition “Cinema of the Young”;

- Competition program “National Film School Competition”;

- Competition program “National Competition”.

3.2.  The main Fiction Films Competition Program includes full-length fiction films in feature and mixed forms with a running time of 52 minutes or more, made in 2023-2024.

At least 10 films from at least 5 countries of the world take part in the main feature film competition.

3.3.  Main Non-Fiction Films Competition Program includes full-length and medium-length films in non-fiction and mixed forms with a running time of 26 minutes or more, created in 2023-2024.

At least 10 films from at least 5 countries of the world take part in the main non-fiction film competition.

3.4.  Animation Films Competition Program includes films in animated and mixed forms with a running time of 5 minutes or more, made in 2023-2024.

At least 10 films from at least 5 countries of the world take part in the main animation film competition.

3.5.  Children and Youth Films Competition Program “Listapadzik” includes films in fiction, animation and mixed forms with a running time of 52 minutes for children and youth, created in 2023-2024.

Up to 10 works take part in Children and Youth Films Competition program “Listapadzik”

3.6.  Youth Films Competition “Cinema of the Young” includes full-length feature films with a running time of 52 minutes or more, made in 2023-2024. The director's age at the time of completion of the film must not exceed 45 years.

At least 10 films from at least 5 countries of the world take part in the Youth Films Competition “Cinema of the Young”

3.7.  Competition Program “National Film School Competition” includes films of any length, made in 2023-2024 by persons studying at institutions of higher education in cinematography.

Competition Program “National Film School Competition” includes films of any length, made in 2023-2024 by persons studying at institutions of higher education in cinematography.

3.8.  National competition.

The Competition Program includes films in fiction, non-fiction and animated forms of any duration, made in 2023–2024 by citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as foreign citizens and non-citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus.

At least 15 films take part in the competition.

3.9.  Copies of films participating in competition program of the film festival must be in the original language, with English (if the original language is not English) and Russian (if the original language is not Russian) subtitles.

3.10.  Applications for participation in the festival are accepted by the directorate of the film festival from April 1 to September 1, 2024. Copies of films participating in the competition programs of the film festival must be transferred to the directorate of the film festival no later than September 10, 2024.

Films that are winners and/or participants of international film festivals 2023–2024 may also take part in the competition programs of the film festival, meeting the requirements set out in subparagraphs 3.2–3.8 of these Regulations and proposed by the program directors of the film festival in agreement with the rights holders.

3.11.  The formation of competition programs of the film festival is carried out in two stages:

preliminary selection of films by program directors of competition program of the film festival based on submitted applications, as well as proposals from program directors;

final selection of films by an expert commission created by the Ministry of Culture.

In this case, films that do not meet the criteria specified in paragraphs 3.2 – 3.8 of the regulations are rejected without consideration.

The decision to include films in the competition program of the film festival is made by the directorate of the film festival in agreement with the Ministry of Culture.

The procedure for competitive screening of films is determined by the directorate of the film festival.

3.12.  The formation of non-competitive screenings of the film festival is carried out by the directorate of the film festival in agreement with the Ministry of Culture.

3.13.  Copies of films accepted for participation in non-competitive screenings of the film festival must be transferred to the directorate of the film festival no later than September 10, 2024.


4.1.  Film producers, other persons holding exclusive rights to the submitted films, artists who participated in the creation of the films, members of the film festival jury, media representatives, guests of the film festival, and other persons involved in the organization and holding of the film festival may participate in the film festival, provided that they confirm settled legal relations with the authors and other rights holders for the intellectual property objects included in the submitted film and provide a copy of the film's content to third parties.

4.2.  Until September 1, 2024, film producers, other persons who have exclusive rights to the films presented, specified in subclause 4.1 clause 4 of the regulations, send an application for participation to the directorate of the film festival in accordance with the appendix to these regulations.

4.3.  Submission of a film for selection is free.

4.4.  At the same time, the copyright holder guarantees to the directorate of the film festival that he owns the entire scope of the necessary rights:

- for public presentation of the film in a competitive or non-competitive screening, including with the participation of representatives of the creative group;

- to present fragments of the film on television (no more than 3 minutes), on the official website of the film festival, on social networks and in other promotional materials of the film festival;

- for the use of all presented film materials in promotional materials of the film festival (catalogues, advertising brochures, on the website, in multimedia presentations, etc.).

4.5.  Films released during 2023 and 2024 that have not previously been publicly shown in commercial distribution on the territory of the Republic of Belarus are allowed to participate in the film festival (with the exception of films produced in the Republic of Belarus).

The selection criteria are:

the relevance and originality of the theme and plot of the film, the convincingness and logic of their disclosure in the script and character dialogues;

the embodiment in the film of traditional spiritual and moral values, humanistic aesthetic ideals;

a high level of skill and innovation in the work of the director, director of photography, production designer, other specialists of the film crew, in the musical and artistic design of the film;

high level of acting skills and psychological persuasiveness of the leading and supporting roles (for films in play form).

All other things being equal, preference is given to films that have been awarded at other international festivals and (or) have received high praise from leading representatives of world cinema and audiences.

Films that promote war, extremist activity, violence and cruelty, social, national, religious, racial exclusivity, intolerance or hostility, pornography and non-traditional sexual relations, incite crimes, violent acts against people and ( or) other living beings, and also violate the legislation on copyright and related rights, other acts of legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

4.6.  The film festival program is formed by the directorate of the film festival and approved by the organizing committee of the film festival until October 1, 2024.

Demonstration of films and other events of the film festival are carried out in accordance with the approved program of the film festival by cinematography, culture, education organizations in Minsk, regions, cities and districts of the Republic of Belarus.

4.7.  The directorate of the film festival has the right to show each film within the framework of the film festival at least 5 times, including paid screenings in Minsk and the regions of the Republic of Belarus and screenings for the press.

4.8.  The directorate of the film festival officially notifies the authors of films that have successfully passed the selection about the decision made no later than the date of the official press conference of the film festival.

4.9.  Issues of invitation, terms and conditions of stay and accreditation of participants at the film festival are decided by the directorate of the film festival.

4.10.  Participation of films in competitive screenings of a film festival allows the presence of one or two representatives of the competitive film (director or producer, actor/actress), unless otherwise decided by the directorate of the film festival.

4.11.  The directorate of the film festival can cover the costs of round-trip travel, accommodation and meals for up to 3 days for the director or producer, actor/actress presenting the film in the competition program, creative meetings with the audience and press conferences, one or two representatives of the film out-of-competition screening (director or producer, actor/actress), unless otherwise decided by the management of the film festival.

4.12.  The specific terms and conditions of participants’ stay at the festival are determined by its management.


5.1.  To evaluate films participating in the competitive screenings of the film festival, seven international juries are created, as well as a children’s jury:

- international jury of the Main Fiction Films Competition (consisting of five people);

- international jury of the Main Non-Fiction Films Competition (consisting of three people);

- international jury of the Main Animation Films Competition (consisting of three people);

- international jury of Children and Youth Films Competition “Listapadzik” (consisting of three people);

- international jury of the Youth Films Competition “Cinema of the Young” (consisting of three people);

- international jury of the Competition Program “National Film School Competition” (consisting of three people);

- international jury of the Competition Program “National Competition”. (consisting of three people).

The international jury includes filmmakers, cultural workers, media workers, and the children's jury includes children and adolescents aged 8 - 14 years (3 people).

Decisions are made by the jury based on the results of viewing all films included in the competitive screening, by open voting by a simple majority of votes. In controversial situations, the decision voted for by the chairman of the jury is considered accepted.

5.2.  Organizational, logistical and technical support for the work of international juries and children's juries is carried out by the directorate of the film festival.

5.3.  The directorate of the film festival bears the costs of travel to Minsk and back, accommodation and meals for members of the international jury of filmmakers in Minsk during the entire period of their stay at the film festival.

5.4.  The competition jury cannot include persons who participated in the creation or distribution of films in the corresponding competition screening.


6.1.  As part of the film festival, special prizes are awarded:

6.1.1.  special prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus “For the Preservation and Development of Traditions of Spirituality in Cinema”;

Prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus “For Humanism and Spirituality in Cinema”.

The awarding and delivery of these prizes are carried out in accordance with the legislation on culture of the Republic of Belarus.

6.1.2.  Prizes from the organizers and partners of the film festival:

prize of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for young filmmakers;

prize of the Minsk City Executive Committee;

special prize of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the development of cultural cooperation and strengthening of friendship between peoples “Cinema without Borders”;

prize of the representative office of the Interstate TV and Radio Company “Mir” in the Republic of Belarus “The Language of Cinema is the Language of Friendship”;

prize of the public association “Belarusian Union of Cinematographers” “For the Best Film”.

The decision to award these prizes is made by the organizers and partners of the film festival, taking into account the proposals of the film festival management.

By decision of the organizers and partners of the film festival, they may award other awards.

6.2.  By decision of the international jury, prizes for competitive screenings of the film festival are awarded.

6.2.1.  The international jury of the Main Fiction Film Competition decides to award film festival participants with prizes in the following categories:

Grand-prix “The Gold of Listapad” for the best fiction film”;

prize “Mikhail Ptashuk Memorial Award for Best Director of a Feature Film”;

prize “Yuri Marukhin Memorial Award for Best Cinematography”;

"Special Jury Prize of the Fiction Film Competition”;

prize "For Best Actress in a Fiction Film";

prize "For Best Actor in a Fiction Film";

prize "For the Best Sound (Music) Solution for a Fiction Film.”

6.2.2.  The international jury of the Main Non-Fiction Film Competition decides to award film festival participants in the following categories:

prize “For the best film of the Non-Fiction Film Competition”;

“Special Jury Prize of Non-Fiction Film Competition.”

6.2.3.  The international jury of the Main competition of animation films decides on awarding film festival participants in the following categories:

prize "For Best Film in the Main Animation Films Competition";

"Special Jury Prize for the Main Animation Film Competition.”

6.2.4.  The international jury of Children and Youth Films Competition “Listapadzik” makes a decision on awarding film festival participants in the following categories:

Grand Prix “Listapadzik Gold” for the best film for children and youth;

“Special Prize of the Jury of the “Listapadzik” Competition;

prize “For the Best Child Role” in a film for children and youth;

prize “For the Best Work of an Adult Actor” in a film for children and youth.”

6.2.6.  The international jury of filmmakers of the “Cinema of the Young” Competition decides to award film festival participants in the following categories:

“For the best film of the “Cinema of the Young” competition named after Viktor Turov”;

“Special prize of the jury of the competition “Cinema of the Young”.

6.2.8.  The international jury of the National Competition decides to award film festival participants in the following categories:

“For the Best Feature Film of the National Competition”;

“For the Best Non-Fiction Film of the National Competition”;

“For the Best Animated Film of the National Competition”;

"Special prize of the jury of the National Competition."

6.3.  Members of the jury have the right to present special diplomas, which may be supported by sponsorship prizes or awards.

6.4.  The decisions of the international jury are final and cannot be revised.

6.5.  As part of the festival, audience prizes are awarded:

“Audience Award for Fiction Film Competition”;

“Audience Award of the Film Competition for Children and Youth “Listapadzik”.

To determine the winners at the end of screenings of films included in competitive screenings, viewers rate each film on a 5-point scale using special bulletins issued by the film festival management. The votes are counted by a commission formed by the directorate of the film festival.

Films with the most points are awarded audience awards.

6.6.  The prizes are accompanied by diplomas containing the following information:

for prizes for films: name of the film, country (countries) – producer of the film, director of the film (indicating his last name, patronymic, if any);

for prizes for creative workers: last name, first name, patronymic (if any), the film for which the award was received, country (countries) – the film’s producer.

6.7.  As part of the festival, diplomas from the chairman of the film festival (up to 3 diplomas) are awarded to the authors of films included in the competitive programs of the film festival.

6.8.  Production of prizes and diplomas indicated in subparagraphs 6.2 – 6.3, 6.5 – 6.7 of these regulations, their delivery to the place of award ceremonies, ensuring safety during award ceremonies, transfer to awardees in the event that it is impossible for the awardees themselves or persons representing their interests to be present at the award ceremony provided by the directorate of the film festival.

6.9.  The prize and diploma are awarded to the recipient during the closing ceremonies of the film festival or the competitive screening of the film festival. If it is impossible for him to be personally present at the ceremony, the management determines other persons to present prizes to them.


7.1.  To cover the work of the film festival, the media in the period from September 15 to October 15, 2024 send an application by e-mail to the directorate of the film festival in the form according to Appendix 2.

Accredited media representatives are issued a badge established by the management with the inscription “Press” in Russian and English, which gives the right to participate in press events and attend other events of the film festival.

Organization of interviews with jury members, honored guests, and other festival participants is carried out by the management, taking into account proposals from accredited media representatives.

7.2.  All expenses for the presence of media representatives at the film festival are borne by the sending party.

7.3.  The directorate of the film festival, in agreement with the organizers, has the right to invite media representatives from the regions of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries to participate in the film festival at the expense of free (sponsorship) assistance and other sources not prohibited by law.


8.1.  Participation in the film festival requires compliance with all points of these regulations.

The regulations are published on the official websites of the Ministry of Culture and the Directorate of the Film Festival in Russian and English. By decision of the directorate of the film festival, versions in other foreign languages may be published.

In case of controversial issues regarding the regulations, the text of these regulations in Russian is taken as a basis.

8.2.  Contacts of the Film Festival:

Film Festival Directorate (The Republican Unitary Enterprise “The National Film Studio “Belarusfilm”), 220114, Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave. 98


Fiction Films Competition:

Non-Fiction Films Competition:

Animation Films Competition:

Children and Youth Films Competition “Listapadzik”:

Youth Films Competition “Cinema of the Young”:

“National Film School Competition”:

“National Competition”:

The 30th edition of MIFF «LISTAPAD» was held November 1-8, 2024